
The overarching objective of the Policy Community is to strengthen scientific, technological and social research and practice excellence in digital public governance and policy modelling by integrating the research and practice capacities of individuals and organisations spread across Europe and worldwide, including lessons and innovative approaches of the existing projects and future projects to be funded along the thematic priority of the EC FP 7 calls in the field, as well as research and practical projects from all over the world.

The Policy Community aims to counteract the fragmentation of RTD in the field of ICT solutions for Governance and Policy Modelling and to respond to the needs for reaching out and consolidating solutions and methods in this emerging field beyond the EU level. Therefore, the Policy Community will foster co-operation and coordination of research and practice to enable them to address issues they could not solve alone. It will establish a public body of knowledge accessible to all. Through the collaborative and open approach, The Policy Community will move forward by bringing in more and more actors in the field therewith creating an open dialogue around the globe on pertinent issues of ICT supported policy development and open governance.

The Policy Community will leverage R&D towards a more transparent, collaborative, and participatory governance and policy modelling through establishing an international community, which will exchange and advance existing approaches and solutions in the respective fields. With this overall objective, the Policy Community will provide a major contribution to the strategic goals set by the European Council, in the Digital Agenda for Europe and in the Horizon 2020.

eGovPoliNet and Crossover aim to foster co-operation and coordination of research and practice to address issues that could not be solved alone. In this spirit, the projects have the key objective to strengthen scientific, technological and social research and practice excellence in digital public governance and policy modelling by:

  1. integrating the research and practice capacities of individuals and organisations spread across Europe and worldwide
  2. including lessons and innovative approaches of the existing projects and future projects
  3. production of multimedia content, practical handbook & high-level policy conferences