Good Governance

The Good Governance concept introduces a normative dimension that concern about the quality of governance (Santiso, 2001). Most considerations on "good governance” focused on transparency and accountability as well as citizens’ participation (Mokre, Riekmann, 2006) and associated the governance quality with the level of participation, transparency, accountability, rule of law, effectiveness and equity (OECD, 2006). According to the World Bank, Good Governance involves “the combination of transparent and accountable institutions, strong skills and competence, and a fundamental willingness to do the right thing that are enable a government to deliver services to its people efficiently” (Gisselquist, 2012). Good governance is also defined as a “competent management of a country’s resources and affairs in a manner that is open, transparent, accountable, equitable and responsive to people’s needs” (AusAID, 2000).

Related terms: Stakeholder, Stakeholder Engagement, Public Governance, Policy Governance, Governance, Democratic Governance


Santiso, C. (2001), Good Governance and Aid Effectiveness: The World Bank and Conditionality, The Georgetown Public Policy Review, 7(1), 1-22.

Mokre, M. and Riekmann, S. (2006), From Good Governance to Democratic Governance? A policy review of the first wave of European governance research. EU Research in Social Sciences and Humanities.

OECD. (2006), Applying Strategic Environmental Assessment: Good Practice Guidance for Development Co-Operation. pdf

Gisselquist, R. M. (2012), Good Governance as a Concept, and Why This Matters for Development Policy, pdf

AusAID. (2000), Good Governance: Guiding principles for implementation, Available here

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